Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Spring!

I'm playing homemaker today. I did dishes, laundry, tidied a little and made bread. The house is smelling so yummy! I start my new job at the HomeDepot tomorrow! :) So now I have bread to make sandwiches. Then I got creative and made some tags for some gifts for two of my friends (not telling who). I'm going down to garage after I post this to repair Terry's stool, it needs new foam. Terry wants to go down to the lake after work. Fish from the shore for the first time this season if the ice is far enough out and roast hotdogs on the campfire! So I might have some campfire stories for tomorrow. Happy Spring! :D

1 comment:

  1. Home Depot? of luck with your new job..I see renovations in your future!
    Also, I know you're dreaming of coming home to do it already!
    I like your blog. I think you are inspriring me to write my own as well!
    I will check often, because I'm nosy like that!
    So keep writing!

